Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Time for action

Everyone now...or at least those who have to pay for their own petrol are pissed at the new price effective from tomorrow. RM 2.70 from RM 1.92. Government still maintains that the price is among the lowest in Asia, somehow forgetting that salaries have not increased and are also among the lowest in Asia.

So this is the chance now chemistry graduates. Take this oppurtunity to come up with a new fuel substitute. There have been so many...from hydrogen fuel cells to solar power and all that expensive shit. But the common man cannot afford such...nonsense. There is 1 other alternative though....


Methane is like fucking everywhere man. From your shit, from your fart....and everyone shits....and farts i think...which means an endless supply of methane. Take example one of my coursemates. He farts. No...he LOVES to fart. One time he farted, the earth moved out of orbit and there was a solar eclipse.

Oh by the way he looks a little bit like this:

Hahahahahahaha....The last time he farted, the tectonic plates beneath the Earth moved, causing a massive earthquake in China which killed thousands.

So anyway..methane...good and readily available source, have been proven to work (by the people at Top Gear, who compressed methane and inserted it into cars) and relatively cheap. Thing is...I don't think a lot of people would love to work with shit do they?

*William if you reading this...hahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

hahahaha. if william read this, i think he gonna explode. Guess u will find more target on the future huh?

slacker said...

hahahaha..of cos...if nothing to write..then will write bout you guys i guess