You see, by the time I reached the Adidas outlet, there was already a huge crowd. Nevermind that 3 quarters of the crowd were wearing RM10 Chelsea jerseys from the pasar malams. What's worse was the crowd consists mainly of guys. Who are tall. Who impedes your view.
No matter. The players weren't here yet and I was still hopeful for at least ONE autograph.
Nah I was just kidding. It was someone who really really looked like Kenny Sia (apparently, Malaysia's most famous blogger). I couldn't be sure. Whoever he was, he was getting a lot of cheers from the crowd. And whoever he was, he just walked into the Adidas outlet without so much as a wave or a smile to the crowd. Then only I realise how short he really is. Fuck it. Everyone were not there for Kenny or his look-alike. WE WANT CHELSEA!!
A few minutes later again, they arrived. Well when I said they, I meant ONE player arrived. Michael Ballack arrived to much cheering and camera flashes. No Scolari. No Terry. No Lampard. Just that German who failed to win the EPL, Champions League and Euro 2008.
NO FUCKING MATTER THEN. I was still bloody hopeful to get an autograph, even from the bloody Nazi. Ballack and all those TV cameramen entered the outlet. A few other random people who nobody seemed to give a fuck entered as well. There was much going on in the outlet while we, the common fans stood outside.
After about 20 minutes, the security guards finally let us in and lo and behold, Ballack was nowhere to be seen. Not even Kenny Sia/Kenny Sia's look alike. What greeted us when we entered the outlet was this:
Now this begs the question. WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE WANKERS?
I overheard someone speaking on the microphone about asking the Adidas ambassadors to take a group photo. I can only assume that the people in the photograph above are the Adidas ambassadors. Or what I would prefer to call as cock-suckers. I can only imagine the amount of cocks they had to polish with their mouths to become an Adidas ambassador. There they were holding their Ballack autographed cards and smiling and having fun while the commoner (me and the rest who stood for an hour or perhaps more outside) were left with nothing but sulking faces. I swear that the Indian guy standing next to me muttered to his friends "Fuck these people, they're not important weh".
I stood there for a while, trying to figure out if the people above were local celebrities. Then I realised I was better off having my nuts sawed off because nobody gives a fuck about the local celebrities. Sorry loh. I know I'm not atas enough to get an autograph. I am not a celebrity what.
So I left the place with no autograph, 3 pictures of the ambassadors which I will be printing out and personally pissing on together with the thought of murdering each and everyone of them, and the thought of supporting another club just because Adidas thinks that the normal fan on the street is not deserving enough for an autograph.
And seriously, Adidas, this is a plea to you, please, if you're ever going to hold another autograph session JUST for cock-suckers and not the common fan, please let that be known to the public. We have better things to do as well. Overall, it was a wasted day. Fuck Adidas and their ambassadors man.
***This post consists of more cussing than usual. Because once again the un-atas people telah ditindas by the blatant stupidity of which they call popularism***
Hey man, stay cool and relax, you should predicted this outcome as cheap stuff nvr can meant good for citizens like us. F**k Them!
fucking loved this post. classic!
those are mutha-fckers chelski people la,why support them,all arrogant and rich fools.go support the club tht is "more then a club"/mes que un club.El Blaugrana,go figure it out bud!
hahaha...thanks bro chestmeat and anon...
to the other anon...i've supported chelsea since the days of glenn hoddle la...i also didn't want my team to be THAT rich and arrogant...
those who get change to get ballack's autograph are actually MyChelsea member who won lucky draw (around 15 of of them) held by MyChelsea fan club.
oh...well..some people are so lucky...but at least they should have told us Ballack won't sign for the others...kinda pity those people who had waited for them for 3-4 hours...
i dunno mate, u sound like a real post Roman Chelsea fan to me, judging by the way you blog. and if thats the case, you're a bloody insults to real Pensioner fans. pls fuck off and stop supporting Chelsea. you are not worth it.
i'm sure you must be feeling very good now about your blog analytical skills and how you can tell if I'm a post Roman Chelsea fan or not by my writings. Fuck off Sherlock. Take ur detective shit work somewhere else. I don't have to prove anything. My ori Chelsea jersey with the Autoglass sponsor is prove enough. Sigh...
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