Thursday, July 31, 2008
I've moved to my new place in Kota Damansara which, surprise surprise, has no internet.
Currently typing this in the office.....on my 1st day on the job!
That's because the managers have all gone out for appointments and I'm stuck alone in the office with a couple of catalogues to read. I'll be selling industrial microscopes...which literally means zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sorry loh...I not atas enough loh
You see, by the time I reached the Adidas outlet, there was already a huge crowd. Nevermind that 3 quarters of the crowd were wearing RM10 Chelsea jerseys from the pasar malams. What's worse was the crowd consists mainly of guys. Who are tall. Who impedes your view.
No matter. The players weren't here yet and I was still hopeful for at least ONE autograph.
Nah I was just kidding. It was someone who really really looked like Kenny Sia (apparently, Malaysia's most famous blogger). I couldn't be sure. Whoever he was, he was getting a lot of cheers from the crowd. And whoever he was, he just walked into the Adidas outlet without so much as a wave or a smile to the crowd. Then only I realise how short he really is. Fuck it. Everyone were not there for Kenny or his look-alike. WE WANT CHELSEA!!
A few minutes later again, they arrived. Well when I said they, I meant ONE player arrived. Michael Ballack arrived to much cheering and camera flashes. No Scolari. No Terry. No Lampard. Just that German who failed to win the EPL, Champions League and Euro 2008.
NO FUCKING MATTER THEN. I was still bloody hopeful to get an autograph, even from the bloody Nazi. Ballack and all those TV cameramen entered the outlet. A few other random people who nobody seemed to give a fuck entered as well. There was much going on in the outlet while we, the common fans stood outside.
After about 20 minutes, the security guards finally let us in and lo and behold, Ballack was nowhere to be seen. Not even Kenny Sia/Kenny Sia's look alike. What greeted us when we entered the outlet was this:
Now this begs the question. WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE WANKERS?
I overheard someone speaking on the microphone about asking the Adidas ambassadors to take a group photo. I can only assume that the people in the photograph above are the Adidas ambassadors. Or what I would prefer to call as cock-suckers. I can only imagine the amount of cocks they had to polish with their mouths to become an Adidas ambassador. There they were holding their Ballack autographed cards and smiling and having fun while the commoner (me and the rest who stood for an hour or perhaps more outside) were left with nothing but sulking faces. I swear that the Indian guy standing next to me muttered to his friends "Fuck these people, they're not important weh".
I stood there for a while, trying to figure out if the people above were local celebrities. Then I realised I was better off having my nuts sawed off because nobody gives a fuck about the local celebrities. Sorry loh. I know I'm not atas enough to get an autograph. I am not a celebrity what.
So I left the place with no autograph, 3 pictures of the ambassadors which I will be printing out and personally pissing on together with the thought of murdering each and everyone of them, and the thought of supporting another club just because Adidas thinks that the normal fan on the street is not deserving enough for an autograph.
And seriously, Adidas, this is a plea to you, please, if you're ever going to hold another autograph session JUST for cock-suckers and not the common fan, please let that be known to the public. We have better things to do as well. Overall, it was a wasted day. Fuck Adidas and their ambassadors man.
***This post consists of more cussing than usual. Because once again the un-atas people telah ditindas by the blatant stupidity of which they call popularism***
Friday, July 18, 2008
Oh well...
I will henceforth be known as John the Sales Engineer.
Faster congratulate me woiiiiii...hahahahahaha
Monday, July 14, 2008
Retarded words
Do you guys know about those TV programmes where they will play music videos and have a chat box at the right side of the screen so that people can SMS to the TV station and their SMSes will then be shown on TV? Something that looks like this:
I will never know what intrigues people these days to actually do such a thing. I mean it costs 50 cents per SMS. And you don't even get to say "Your mom's a fugging whore" because they will block it out. You don't even get a promotion of 2 free SMSes for every 10 that you send. You don't even get to take part in a lucky draw.
What you get though, when you tune in to such programmes, is a barrage of nonsense that would suddenly jolt you to realise that some of us are REALLY just one species or two away from the chimpanzees after all.
Perhaps some would say that it is exciting to SMS with some unknown people through this programme. Like how some people would describe meeting random people whom they have never seen before from the internet as fun. No, it's not. It just isn't.
Meeting someone whom you have not seen before is as fun as sticking your middle finger into the bottom of a sleeping tiger. It is almost always disastrous. And that's because SeXy_BaBy19 is actually a baby elephant in human clothes.
And I'm not finished. When I took the photo above, I actually spent 15 minutes to decipher what these morons were talking about. Personally, I would have rather preferred to blow-torch my nipples off. But I really wanted to know what the people of today were mostly on about. After a full 15 minutes, I realised that it was futile. This is not a language. This is crap. Einstein would have committed suicide if he had seen this.
So the moral to the story is, if you ever feel lonely and think that Sudoku is not much of a challenge, go ahead and try to decipher the replies you would get from sending "I'm 19/f" to these programmes.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
no ideas
This is some funny gay interview with Elton John. Note that nearly every question and answer is intentionally sexual......and gay.
I can only assume queen actually means gay in Britain.
Oh well....Cream horn anyone? Hahahaha
Friday, July 11, 2008
Random rant
(A) knocked down by a car/truck/passing vehicle
(B) falls down a flight of stairs
(C) gets hit by something (a shovel, a sledge hammer, anything that induces serious pain)
and after all that, that very same character gets up and screams "I'm OKAY".
Now today's post is about how annoyed I am with this, apparently, humorous scenes in the movies. Look, the guy just got introduced to some serious physical damage. To stand up immediately and say he's okay is, well, funny to me. Seriously. Funny for the first time, yes. Maybe a second time or a third time. But by the 28th time, I wish I had contracted cancer instead.
I don't know how it got into the heads of directors/script writers that such a scene would still be funny after it's been used in almost every movie out there, in particularly, comedies. The act is old and overused. It isn't even funny anymore. Have Americans no more ideas how to make their comedies funny anymore? I swear to god, everytime I watch a comedy, and there's a scene where someone gets hurt, I will be praying so hard and will be tempted to sacrifice virgins just so that that someone wouldn't get up and tell us that he/she's okay. You got knocked down by a freaking truck. Please just fucking die. Seriously.
It is like that scene I complained about in my post about the Transformers movie. You know, about how the robots got to fighting with each other in front of some kid and instead of running away, he just sat there, watched the scene and turned to the camera and screamed COOL. Almost every action movie tries to induce some sense of comedy by having some kid scream cool in front of a fight scene/gun fight/whatever. If I were a 5 year old and I were somehow or rather thrown into a middle of a robot fight, I'd run away. Far away. While screaming for my mum.
So directors and script writers of the world, please, if you're reading this, just do away with that I'm OKAY and COOL scene. That 5 minutes can be replaced with something else, or even better, guess what, just snip the bloody 5 minutes off your film and save us a trip to the restroom or a trip to the hospital because of the mental trauma.
One other quick rant I just want to put up is about the lack of movie previews in cinemas these days. I don't know about other countries but GSC tends to assume that cinema patrons prefer to watch advertisements about beer and Celcom's X-pax. GSC, please, for the love of god, put back the previews. I don't want to know who gives me the best coverage and the best deals because I couldn't care less. I know Celcom pays you to put up those adverts. I will hereby promise to pay you full price for your movie tickets so that you can pull down Celcom's adverts. And it has nothing to do with the fact that my student card expires in about a week's time. Haha
Anyway, guys, please enjoy this Nike advert, which was shown a couple of times in the cinemas. One of the best adverts in my humble opinion. And only because I love football.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cyber cafes and kids
Government: We will enforce a ruling whereby cyber cafes are required to stop operating by 12 midnight and we will have a review to see if games will still be allowed or not in cyber cafes.
In my most humble opinion, this is a great plan. The government is right. If you can't take the children/teenagers away from the cyber cafes, take the cyber cafes away from them. Which is great and all, until you realised what Joe and Ali have been doing with the time which they formerly used to play Dota with.
Joe: Hey fag, Dota mo?
Ali: Its 11.30pm...CC close d la.
Joe: Oh..ermm...yum cha?
Ali: Can't la...Kopi ais 1.40 nowadays
Joe: What about we go rempit-ing?
Ali: Hallow...petrol 2.70 now.
Joe: What about we sniff some glue and get high?
Ali: You get the glue...I get the paint thinner.
The government doesn't realise that the kids/teenagers these days will still not stay at home, do their homework and play with their cocks in front of their PCs even with the cyber cafes taken away from them. I mean, who would have thought of studying on a Saturday evening as a good idea? Personally, I would rather have my face smashed in with a shovel than to study on a Saturday evening.
You can't keep the kids off the street nowadays since they're so good at asking for freedom to go where they want and parents only have themselves to blame for not administering a proper slap acrosss their faces in the name of discipline. Knowing that you have failed as a parent, would you prefer if your children went to a cyber cafe to play games or would you prefer to receive a phone call one day from someone who had to break it to you that your son had entered the Pearly Gates in a giant ball of flame all because he couldn't perform the Superman pose on his motorcycle properly?
So here's the twisted conclusion. Do not ban cyber cafes or make them close at midnight. BAN THE FUCKING KIDS. Parents or parents to be, if you're reading this, please, keep them at home. It is hard enough to accept the fact that your kids are pawning me in Dota most of the time, but please, the cyber cafe is the only cheap form of entertainment around after midnight.
To the government, please, enforce a law whereby kids under 18 years old are not allowed into cyber cafes after midnight. Reward the parents with a 10 buck petrol voucher for every time they have to slap their child to tell them that they can't go to cyber cafes. The child would probably be too traumatized as his dad drives into Shell to redeem a full tank of petrol.....for his Merc C200...which is almost likely to have a bigger tank than a Proton.
So you see, everyone's happy. The cyber cafe operators will not lose too much of their business while people with too much free time like me can still look forward to a game of Dota after midnight. Government would be happy that they have achieved their objective of preventing kids from patronizing cyber cafes after midnight and parents would be happy with the petrol vouchers.
What about the kids? Well frankly speaking, nobody cares about the kids now, do they? i'm so evil.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Public transportation?? I'm not of yet..
I still stand by my decision. That I would rather get a vasectomy than take public transportation. I'm not trying to say that I'm loaded and that I can afford a car with a full tank of petrol every other week. You see, I have a phobia of getting lost. When I was 2, I accidentally strayed away from my parents to look for toys in a shopping mall. Imagine the trauma I went through. I was so young, I was separated from my parents. That's when I knew I needed to get my own car fast so that I can go wherever I want and whenever I want to. I'm just kidding. Fact is I still have that phobia of getting lost. True story.
Which is why I don't fucking take busses. The government wants more people to take busses to their respective destinations. The government better start to explain to the first-time bus users a.k.a. me what U101 or U302 or U007 means. I'm not going to ask the guy next to me in the bus stop what destinations are those codes referring to. Rapid Penang, and other bus companies, if you're reading this, DISTRIBUTE A FUCKING MAP....AND A FUCKING TIME-TABLE. You see, with a proper route map and schedule, I would have no fears about getting lost as I can plan my time and journey properly. And I'd still drive because I still don't trust busses.
Rant Number 1 about busses...done. Now for 2 and 3. You see, the bus is a cheap mode of transportation where people from all walks of life can enjoy. And then, you get up a bus, only to be sitted next to someone who looks like he's been infected with herpes, and to realise after you've stepped off the bus that your wallet is missing. To the girls, if you're seated, wearing a revealing top, the guy standing next to you is not looking out of the window to look out for his current location. And if you're standing, that hard thingy prodding your ass is not his damned pocket knife.
Rant Number 3 is about the seats. I've sat in a Metro bus before, one of those KL busses. I swear to God, the seats were only big enough for people who would have loved to audition as Frodo or Gimli in the Lord of the Rings. That's because Metro assumes that all Malaysians are 4 feet tall and weigh 10 lbs. Which is wrong because Malaysians love their rendang and rendang makes us fat and that makes Metro irrelevant.
On to the second mode of public transport, the ever "reliable" monorail/LRT/train thingy. I love the LRT. As a matter of fact, I would have preferred this service to driving....if it weren't for the strange people that I keep meeting in the LRT. You see the first time I sat in an LRT 3 years ago, I was sitted opposite 3 people who couldn't stop starring at me. 3 years on and I get into an LRT and I still have people starring at me. And that's when I realise that they were not really starring at me. They were starring into blank space as they dream about quitting their mundane 9 to 5 job and banging their boss's hot trophy wife while pushing said boss off a 10 storey building for paying them RM1500 a month just because they were deemed too "fresh". No I'm not talking about myself. I don't take the LRT...and I have no job yet.
The other group of people that uses the LRT are the ones that don't know how to shut the hell up. Look. We don't need to know about your 9 to 5 job. We HAVE one as well. And we don't need to know what your boyfriend bought you for Valentine's because everyone in the damned carriage...I mean, everyone in the damned universe couldn't care less.
As for car pooling, that has got to be the biggest piece of horse shit I've ever heard. It'll never happen in Malaysia because people are too anal about what others would do to their car. I mean, you wouldn't want somebody to be digging their noses in your car now would you? And because the car is an investment (a liability, not an asset), people don't like other people to come in and fuck it all around...or stick nose shit to the underside of the leather seat of your Merc C200.
As for me, I am damn cincai with my car. I have people eating in my car(that's you dear..haha), nearly vomiting in it (that's you JC..haha), sleeping in it, sitting in it after being sweaty from sports, gays raping each other in the back seat and so much more. I guess that's why my car now looks like crap. But then I for one am someone with certain bad habits when in other people's cars as well.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we were not allowed to play with your power windows" *glances at Yap Hong*
"What? I'm not allowed wind down the window and scream at pedestrians?" *glances at Chor*
"Oooo..what does this button do?" *switches on hazard lights*
Well that's just me. I must either drive or be strapped in a straight jacket because I just can't sit still as a passenger. Well, I can. For 5 seconds. that your wiper stalk?